A retreat can be a wonderful way to invest in your friendship with God and with others.  Jesus’ invitation to “come away and take a real rest” invites us to enter into a space of provision, beauty, and nourishment for our soul and its longings. 

Retreats can be custom-designed to meet the needs of your group. Themes around identity in Christ, transformation, restoration, finding hope in wilderness places and others invite participants into a creative space of listening, experiencing, and growing closer to themselves and to the heart of God. Retreats are structured with rhythms of time together and time for reflection to allow for community and hearing from God in all the ways that can happen. 

“We get in the jet stream of faith when we grow together.” 

Rev. Summer Joy Gross, The Immanuel Promise.

“Are you tired?  Worn out?

Burned out on religion?

Come to me

Get away with me and

You’ll recover your life

I’ll show you how to take a real rest.

Walk with me and

Work with me

Watch how I do it.

Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.”

Matthew 11: 28-29  (The Message)